Calabria Property Consultants

Tuesday 5 May 2015

I know just the man!

With more than 10 years experience behind me and, having lived among the locals, I have cultivated many relationships with local business in an attempt to offer a complete service for clients. 

I’m pleased to say I’ve found some excellent tradesmen along the way. I’ve also had plenty of heartache as well. The best stories are always the bad ones and believe me I had my fair share. If you see me in Bar La Playa, Lido da Pietro or Bar Dolce Isola, buy me a G&T and maybe I’ll tell you a few tales of woe. However, in this particular blog I’m going to tell you about some of the good guys here.

If you want a top class builder then I have met no better than Scalea’s Giuseppe Scarfone. Giuseppe understands there’s a cultural difference and expectation with non Italian clients. Many of the other builders just don’t get it and struggle to grasp that “the customer is always right”. The quality of Giuseppe’s workmanship is top drawer and we have a great catalogue of his masterpieces.

I get involved with renovation projects and I love it. To see a pile of rubble turn into a beautiful period piece is something to treasure. It’s one of my favourite parts of the job. Italy is famous for a few things and red tape (I bet you thought I was going to say something else) is something they could win Olympic gold medals for, if ever there was such an event. 

To smooth the way you need a good technician. Please step forward architect Sergio Bloise. Sergio qualified at the University of Rome and spent a few years working in the capital. Yes, I know, we all shed a tear for Sergio working in such shabby surroundings. Anyway, Sergio has great taste and will dig deep into the history of buildings to recreate the glorious years past. Sergio also understands the system and will manage your project with precision to ensure you get the best possible results.

Need documents updating, property valuation or property certificates? Look no further than Massimo Panico. Massimo is a top rated geometra (engineer/surveyor).  Someone who is at the forefront of Italian building laws and regulations. Italian governments have a habit of changing building laws. Massimo has a wealth of knowledge and having him in your corner will ensure that you have no worries with property administration.

Talking of administration, bill paying can be very mysterious thing. If any of you have had the misfortune of dealing with local council offices then you’ll know what I mean. And don’t get me started with Enel (the electricity suppliers). To help understand IMU, TARES and Acquadotto etc we have Ivan de Luca to thank. Ivan speaks English among his many talents. His main claim to fame is diplomacy and managing bills that make no sense to unsuspecting foreign buyers and some Italians as well.

If you are considering buying then rest assured there is a team waiting to make your purchase a smooth experience - giving you complete peace of mind so you can enjoy owning a home in this wonderful part of Italy.

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